Robin Pierson, host of The History of Byzantium podcast, joins Lexie to discuss creating The History of Byzantium, the challenges and joys of podcasting about such a complex and often misunderstood period of history, how his perspectives have shifted through research, and the lack of representation of Byzantine history in popular media. So tuck in your togas and hop aboard Trireme Transit for this week’s exciting odyssey! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram or visit our website!
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Custom music by Brent Arehart of Arehart Sounds and edited by Dan Maday.
Get exclusive bonus content (ad free episodes, early releases, and experimental content) on Patreon!Episode 108 - Robin Pierson
Ancient Office Hours
Ancient Office Hours
Dr. Perrine Poiron, an Egyptologist/historian and former historical consultant on Assassin’s Creed Origins, joins Lexie to discuss why she chose to focus on the cat goddess Bastet, why we should learn more modern languages when studying antiquity, tips & tricks for archaeogaming with younger kids, her experience consulting on Assassin’s Creed Origins. So tuck in your togas and hop aboard Trireme Transit for this week’s exciting odyssey!
Note: At the time of this recording, Perrine was in the final stages of completing her doctorate. She has since successfully defended her dissertation. Brava Dr. Poiron!
Check out her work on the Assassin’s Creed Origins Discovery Tour:
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Custom music by Brent Arehart of Arehart Sounds.
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