014: To the Strongest - The King is Dead, Long Live the...Kings?


The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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The first episode in a series covering the Wars of the Diadochi, we follow the immediate aftermath of Alexander the Great's death with the Partition of Babylon, the Lamian War and more marriages than a Hapsburg family gathering during the  years 323 - 321 B.C. Title theme by Lina Palera (@user-994392473) Distributed by suRRism-phonoethics (surrism-phonoethics.bandcamp.com/) Website: https://hellenisticagepodcast.wordpress.com/ iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hellenistic-age-podcast/id1377920930?mt=2 SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-103425037 Stitcher: www.stitcher.com/s?fid=225541&refid=stpr Twitter: https://twitter.com/HellenisticPod
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014: To the Strongest - The King is Dead, Long Live the...Kings?

The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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The Hellenistic Age Podcast