022: Children of Mars - The Roman Kingdom and Early Republic (753- 390BC)


The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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With the 1st of a 2-part series, we will cover the misty origins of Rome from King Romulus to the sack of Rome by Brennus. We also tackle  the political framework of the Republic, the legitimacy of our sources, and the role of the Patron-Client system in Roman social hierarchy. Title theme by Lina Palera (https://soundcloud.com/user-994392473) Links: Website (https://hellenisticagepodcast.wordpress.com/2019/03/08/022-children-of-mars-the-roman-kingdom-early-republic-753-390-bc/) iTunes: (https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-hellenistic-age-podcast/id1377920930?mt=2) SoundCloud: (https://soundcloud.com/user-103425037) Stitcher: (https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-hellenistic-age-podcast) Twitter: (https://twitter.com/HellenisticPod)
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022: Children of Mars - The Roman Kingdom and Early Republic (753- 390BC)

The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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The Hellenistic Age Podcast