028: Hellenistic Women - Queens & Royal Women


The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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From the background of the royal household to the forefront of the political life of the kingdom, queens like Cleopatra Philopator, Arsinoe II and Cleopatra Thea mark a transition in the way women achieved power. From royal motherhood to semi-divine patronage, we take a look at the roles and responsibilities that a queen had to her subjects and more. Title Theme: Seikilos Epitapth with the Lyre of Apollo, played by Lina Palera (https://soundcloud.com/user-994392473) Show Links: Website/Show Notes (https://hellenisticagepodcast.wordpress.com/2019/07/23/028-hellenistic-women-pt-2-queens-royal-women/) Social Media: Twitter (https://twitter.com/HellenisticPod) Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/hellenisticagepodcast/) Discord (https://discord.gg/37kmD2)
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028: Hellenistic Women - Queens & Royal Women

The Hellenistic Age Podcast

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The Hellenistic Age Podcast